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Blond cockroaches (Blattela germanica). How will we deal with them?

Blond cockroaches (Blattela germanica). How will we deal with them?

Blond cockroaches (Blattela germanica) are a species of cockroach that you will rarely see flying.

Instead, they run very fast to get where they want to go. Adults grow to between 1.25 and 2 centimeters in length at most.

Their bodies are light blond or black and they have two parallel black stripes placed just behind their head.

The female has a wide abdomen, while the male has a narrower abdomen.

German cockroaches, as they are known, reproduce very quickly. Each female can lay 40 eggs and there can be up to 6 generations per year.

Why are cockroaches in my home or business?

Cockroaches can enter homes through small cracks. In fact, they only need 1cm wide to compress their body!

While foraging, they often enter through holes or under doors, but the main way they enter homes and other buildings is by traveling in cardboard boxes, used appliances and furniture, grocery bags, and other packaging.

Once inside, German cockroaches are found in large numbers in warm, moist places such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Are blonde cockroaches dangerous?

Yes, blonde cockroaches are very dangerous when they enter your home.

They carry many viruses, bacteria and parasites in their bodies and in their faeces, which can cause diarrhoea, dysentery, salmonella and other serious health problems.

Also, their skin and feces often trigger asthma attacks in humans, especially young children.

How can I get rid of blonde cockroaches?

Examining blonde cockroaches from a property can be very difficult.

They are nocturnal, reproduce very quickly and adapt easily to new environments.

To completely eliminate a cockroach infestation from your property, you need the knowledge and experience of a professional.

The scientific staff at Minsect Solutions understand the habits and habitats of German cockroaches and can eliminate them through pest control services.

Year-round pest control keeps you free from cockroaches and other common household invaders.

Can I do it myself?

There are many products on the market to 'eliminate cockroaches' but the truth of the matter is that these products are mostly ineffective at completely ridding a property of all stages, adults, nymphs and eggs that infest it . .

Leaving an egg or two or adults behind will cause a re-infestation.

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Also, many of the products in big box stores can be very harmful to people and pets if not labeled correctly.

How can I prevent them in the future?

Cockroaches and cockroaches in general are very difficult to avoid.

They can enter the home in many different ways.

There are a few steps you can take around your home and property to prevent a German cockroach infestation such as:

  • Regularly sweeping every door in the building and covering all gaps around windows and doors, especially those leading to the ground.
  • Eliminate water sources such as leaking pipes, faucets, and make sure gutters are working properly to remove water from your home.
  • Use air conditioners or dehumidifiers to reduce humidity levels in your home.
  • Store food in airtight containers or in the refrigerator.
  • Clean up the crumbs quickly, regularly remove the garbage from your home and regularly wash all dirty dishes.

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