What are the mistakes we make with the dish sponge?

July 6, 2023
What are the mistakes we make with the dish sponge?
What are the mistakes we make with the dish sponge?
The dish sponge is an item that is never missing from any kitchen. It is a common tool used both for cleaning dishes and other kitchen surfaces. However, there are a few mistakes we often make with kitchen sponges. See below:- We don't replace it often. If the sponge has been sitting next to our kitchen sink for more than 10 days, then it's time to change! Kitchen sponges can harbor bacteria, mold and mildew over time. Using an old and dirty sponge can spread germs and contaminate dishes.
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- We use it for everything. It is best to use separate sponges for different cleaning tasks to avoid cross-contamination. For example, we should not use the same sponge to clean the dishes and wipe the kitchen counters, as in this way we transfer bacteria from one surface to another.
- We are not storing properly. It is unsanitary to leave a wet sponge in the sink or on the counter as it can promote the growth of bacteria and mould. After each use, wring out the sponge well and store in a well-ventilated area where it can air dry completely. Ideally, we can use a sponge holder or hang it up to dry properly. The better it dries, the cleaner it will stay.
- We don't rinse the sponge well between uses. After each use, it is important to rinse the sponge thoroughly to remove any food particles, soap residue or cleaning products. Otherwise, debris and bacteria will build up on the sponge.
- We don't screw it up. When we are done washing dishes or wiping surfaces with the kitchen sponge, make sure to wring it out completely. A sponge that has been wrung out will dry faster than a wet one, and a drier sponge equals a cleaner sponge.
- We use a sponge instead of kitchen paper. Some tasks are better suited to paper towels or paper towels. For example, meat juices are best cleaned using kitchen paper. Instead of potentially contaminating other surfaces with a sponge coated in raw chicken juice we can simply clean it with paper towels, which we then throw away!
- We use the sponge on hot surfaces. Kitchen sponges are usually made of synthetic materials that can melt or dissolve when exposed to high heat. Using a sponge on hot surfaces such as stovetops or grills can damage the sponge and potentially leave behind residue or melted bits.
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