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House cleaning before Christmas

House cleaning before Christmas

What parts of the house should we pay attention to before cleaning? Christmas. Christmas is approaching and the house will be filled with decorations, gifts, delicacies, coziness.It is the right time for a good clearing up of your things, to choose what you will deductions, what you will give away and what you will send for recycling. May the new year find the house free of unnecessary things, clean and with positive energy. What points should we pay more attention to in order to achieve musky cleanliness? Entrance: The main entrance of the house lives in great glory during the holiday season. Here they will stand all to hear the carols, here you will welcome the guests. Tip: Did you know that in Japan everyone leaves their shoes at the entrance so that they don't dirty the house? How about putting a nice basket of slippers in the entryway for your girlfriends before they come home? Living room: The "kingdom" of the Christmas tree. Before you start spreading the ornaments, collect the previous decorations, dust them well and store them in a cupboard or a box, so that you can find collected to rebuild after the holidays. Now is the time to polish the silverware, check the "good" crockery, the glasses. and the cutlery for any stains so that they are ready when everything. Tip: Do not skip the ceiling decoration, since the hanging ornaments draw it I am looking. Kitchen: The kitchen will be the heart of the house during the Christmas season. before you start to prepare honey macarons and curambies, you will definitely disinfect the counter and the kitchen table. Tip: Make easy handmade decorations for the kitchen counter, such as a glass one flower pot to be filled with balls, pine cones and straws..

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Bathroom: Check the laundry basket to the depth. Make sure the good stuff doesn't end there tablecloth or hand towels for guests.
  • Recycle unused caps and empty shampoo left over.
  • A little is good. Keep only the items you need immediately on the counter.
  • Store the remaining items in beautiful boxes or baskets. That's how it will be much easier to dust with a damp cloth the surfaces.
  • Hide the cleaning supplies. Buckets, mops, basins and the like are not ornamental.
  • He emptied the basket regularly, before it overflowed…
  • Change the bath mat at least once a week and in between he shook it regularly.
  • He often cleaned the grates so that the siphons and the drain did not get clogged.
  • Wipe the tiles around the shower and tub immediately after bathing to prevent mold growth.
Tip: Use a toilet block inside the basin to maintain clean, avoid scale build-up and give a sense of freshness to your bath that lasts.. Now you can make plans for the sweetest Christmas with your loved ones! Read hundreds of articles that will answer any question about #cleansecta by clicking here.

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