
Termite control

Termite control

The fight against and extermination of termites is based on the trap-treat – release (T.T.R.) method, which takes advantage of the sociability of termites, which feed on crawling. Using a preparation as bait for the workers (the only termite caste that can pick up the wood and then distribute the food to the rest of the colony), we achieve the transfer of the termite-toxic substance throughout the colony, either by trophlax, either by contact.

The preparation is placed in all possible places where termites can move, resulting in their immediate destruction, but also the long-term protection of your space from future infestation.


The preparation used is the only one that gives a final solution. It remains active for up to ten years after surgery, protecting your area from future infection.

The formulation uses an advanced non-repellent (undetectable) technology. This means that termites can not see it, smell it, taste it or generally perceive it. Instead, they get in touch, receive it and share it with the rest of the colony.


When termites consume the material to which they have been applied they die. But the drug also works by contact and since termites can not perceive it, they come in contact with it while continuing their activity.



Whenever a termite is taken orally or comes in contact with the preparation, it can become a carrier, transferring it to other termites with which it comes in contact. These termites, in turn, are secondary carriers, and as they continue their habits, they transfer the preparation, in the same way, to other termites in the colony.

Because this material is slow-acting, every termite has enough time to disperse it. This unique phenomenon of transfer effect makes this preparation extremely effective against termites. Applications are executed as specified by the manufacturer of the formulation (BASF).

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Termites Termites Apentomosi

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